SPMM-HY - Hydraulisk kantpresser Hydraulisk opretning

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The main feature of this type of press are the electric-powered movements, which allow processing on the sheet metal with millimetre precision and without moving it from the table. The hydraulic main cylinder features an inbuilt power accumulator to reduce to a minimum the consumption of hydraulic oil. Scanning of the sheet metal is performed by laser, which can identify the spots where the sheet metal is deformed and positions the press on the corresponding spot, in automatic cycle.

Designed to be used in all sheet metal straightening and bending operations.

Main components are:
1. BODY OF THE PRESS: Structure includes the upright head and the table.

2. OLEODYNAMIC SYSTEM: Using two-stage pumps and the electric motor, the accumulator can reduce the amount of oil used inside the press.

3 THE HYDRAULIC CYLINDER AND THE AUXILIARY ELECTRIC CYLINDERS: In addition to special care of the inner surface and the rod, the hydraulic cylinder is also provided with high quality seals to optimize sealing and friction. The electric cylinders allow pin point accuracy in the movements.

4. ELECTRIC SYSTEM: Touch-screen command control, push-buttons and remote control to perform the operations with complete ease.

5. SAFETY CIRCUITS: compliant with the standards of the country of manufacture.

6. SETUP FOR INDUSTRY 4.0: Provided with a dedicated communication board for connection with the end customer’s network, PLC software programming and documentation.

Læs mere: Datablad

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